At the London branch, one of our health and safety specialists helped save a co-worker from choking. The crew was on lunch when Sergio started choking. Joint Health and Safety Committee member Gord jumped in. He gave Sergio a few
abdominal thrusts and cleared Sergio’s airways. Gord learned this procedure from our first aid training. In this situation, his training kicked in and he didn’t hesitate. We’re pleased to say that Sergio is all well after a brief scare. For his quick thinking and rapid actions, Gord has been nominated for Flynn’s Life Saver Award. He has also received a gift card to the Flynn rewards store. Thank you to Gord for you commitment to safety and looking out for fellow Flynn Family.

London Lifesaver Award

Pictured left to right: Pete Magolon (H&S South West Ontario), Randy Payette (Ontario H&S Manager), first-aider Gord Dennis, Sergio Martinez and Stephen Patti (London branch and Ontario Regional Manager.