This began as a service job supported by Bentley Martin (safety) and now has turned into a potential re-roof.
The existing roof had 2-3” of Polyurethane foam over BUR. Service showed up immediately, installed interior water diverters, caulked/sealed metal penthouse walls and cut out large blisters around 3-coursed skylights which were like mountains on the roof. One blister had over 60 gallons of water trapped inside!
To meet the owners needs, our service techs were onsite as quickly as the emergency repair PO was approved. A number of leaks needed to b stopped before the next rain, requiring all work to be completed before the next inspection which was scheduled to take place on December 5th.
Service Ops put together support crews from Denver to help DFW cover other leaks while we concentrated local efforts on stopping the leaks here. This is a manufacturing facility, so the tenant could not afford water intrusion. Whereas this facility runs 24 hours/day, the logistics for cranes and work far exceeded a typical service scope.
The safety requirements were far beyond the typical OSHA requirements. Bentley Martin and the team put together safety binders, crane plans, etc. We couldn’t have even been able to start work without their efforts.
Left to right: Johnathan Dunn (crane operator), Enid Orturo, Alan Griffin (foreman), Joe Skiles, Ryan McCutchan, and James Wyrick. Missing from photo: Bryton Hill (service), Jackson Hill (service), Bentley Martin (safety) and Xavier Monge (safety).