At Flynn, we recognize the demands that our personal and professional lives place on us. To help our employees better manage these demands, we have partnered with Morneau Shepell to create an Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP). As part of EFAP, Flynn employees have access to many resources. Professionals are available to provide you with confidential counselling for health, money and other personal concerns. Click or tap this link to read Morneau’s latest newsletter.

The theme for this month is recognizing and treating depression. Some of the most common signs of depression include:

  • having less energy or getting tired easily
  • sleep disturbances
  • loss of interest or pleasure in ordinary activities
  • isolating oneself from friends and family
  • feeling worthless or very guilty
  • significant changes in appetite or weight
  • overeating or eating too little
  • a decrease in productivity or performance
  • memory difficulties and difficulty concentrating or making decisions
  • feelings of anger or irritability
  • chronic aches and pains that don’t respond to treatment
  • frequent crying episodes
  • suicidal thoughts or talk of suicide (in which case, seek professional help immediately)

If you recognize you are depressed, here is some guidance on what to do about it:

Attention. Note how you feel when depressed. This will also help you prepare for an episode in advance and reduce the negative impact.

Find and use effective coping mechanisms. This can include deep-breathing exercises, meditation or exercise.

Prioritize. Organize your tasks in order of importance. Set a realistic schedule for getting them done.

Communicate. Talk with your supervisor. Let them know you’re unwell. Ask if there might be flexibility with certain duties.

Reduce stress. Stress can make depression worse. Get regular exercise as one way of reducing stress.

Eat healthy. Focus on high-fibre, low-fat meals with plenty of carbohydrates. Include lots of fruits and vegetables, and cut back on meat and high-fat dairy foods like cheese and whole milk.

Avoid alcohol. Alcohol can make depression worse. Although some people drink to relieve stress, this can actually make things worse.

Avoid caffeine and sugar. Caffeine can boost your stress hormones. There is some evidence that sweet snacks and soft drinks might contribute to depression.