The Flynn crew in St. John’s is helping ensure an enjoyable shopping experience for Newfoundlanders by completing phase one of the Avalon Mall re-roof (84,400 sq. ft.). Materials included 2-ply mod-bit, IKO product, Kraft Paper V/B, 3” Ikotherm Base layer, 2% Tapered package, Fast n Weld Base sheet and 5 mil Cap Sheet. There is also an extensive tapered insulation package.

Suburban mall

Phase one started in October 2018 and the project was completed in July 2019. Our crew worked throughout the winter when the weather permitted. Winter conditions were harsh, and we averaged 1-2 days of work a week for three months.

At the same time, phase two overlapped with work on phase one. The second phase had a different general contractor. Phase two work includes 115,000 sq. ft. of new construction. The roof system includes 2-ply mod-bit, IKO, Kraft Paper V/B, 3” Ikotherm insulation, tapered crickets, Fast n Weld Base Sheet and a 5mil Cap Sheet. Depending on when steel is erected, we anticipate phase two will be complete in December 2019.

Submitted by Dennis Butt