The Kansas City Chiefs’ long-standing game-day drum tradition received a make-over just in time for the 2019 season. The iconic drum used for pre-game hype will be moved from the field level end zone tunnel to a newly constructed deck in the upper bowl. It will become a more important part of the fan experience.
With just over two weeks from start to finish (July – August 2019), the project schedule was a push from the minute we stepped foot in the stadium until the last piece of stainless trim was installed. Working sometimes well past dark, our crew measured, laid out, formed and installed the curved aluminum cladding at the drum deck. They also installed the upper drink rails, which were covered in vinyl graphics. In order to avoid the fastener heads from being visible through the vinyl, each fastener had to be covered with Bondo body filler and sanded smooth.
The trickiest parts of the project were the compound miter intersections of the convex side panels to the concave fascia panels. After a bit of head scratching, Jason and Tyler decided the best way to tackle the challenge was to scribe and cut the miters while in place, which yielded a flawless hairline, non-welded miter.
Be sure to keep your eyes out for this beautiful addition to Arrowhead Stadium next time you’re watching the Chiefs beat your team!