Posts filed under: Flynn Family

Celebrating the Work of Vito Destito “He’s selfless,” Mark Bagus said of Vito Destito over a cup of coffee. “Our time here is too short, we don’t have to make 100 mistakes, we could just listen to his lessons learned.”...
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Hello everyone, You may have noticed that it’s been a while since you received a copy of the Flynn Flash. Historically, we prepare a Flash every 3 months or so, but we put the Flash on pause due to COVID...
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We are proud of our #FlynnFamily team who volunteered at the EllisDon COVID-19 vaccination clinic in Toronto, alongside our friends at Modern Niagara. Over 100 Flynn employees volunteered for 200+ shifts over 11 days, to enable more than 14,000 people...
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Gary’s commitment to safety goes beyond work at Flynn. Gary is involved in charitable works within the community that goes beyond his work as Health & Safety Specialist at Flynn....
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Noorda Building Envelope Contractor is an experienced contractor who specializes in membrane roofing, metal roofing, and wall panel and glazing systems. They are based out of offices in Salt Lake City, St. George and Boise and have over 400 dedicated...
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AARA Construction Inc. specializes in manufacturing and installation of architectural metal products. They have over 40 dedicated employees, an outstanding reputation in architectural metals and the ability to complete complex construction projects. Since they are based in Phoenix this is...
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The Flynn Family wins together by supporting each other like a family should. Flynn Montréal wanted to call attention to two examples of employees supporting each other. Richard Poirier has been with Flynn for over 20 years working in glass...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has led to financial worry for many people affected by job loss, redundancy, and debt. Stress and money troubles can be a vicious circle: your financial problems can lead to stress, which can bleed into other areas...
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Congrats to Kenny and Adam, two Flynn coaches who are recognized for consistently communicating with their rookies. The quotes shown are samples of their “huddling” communications through our coaching app. Our coaching program trains experienced Flynn tradespeople to coach the...
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We are pleased to announce Parker Franco and Andrew Warnick out of Calgary as the winners of this year’s ugly Christmas sweater contest! Their holiday cheer, winning smiles, and exceptionally ugly sweaters win them the crowns of this year’s fierce...
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